Contact details:   Chapel Street, Louisburgh, County Mayo, Ireland   

Are you looking for a doctor's surgery in Louisburgh? If so, please call us on the following number;

PHONE:  + 353 (0) 98 66168  -  FAX: + 353 (0) 98 66240 Email:

Open 9am - 6pm, Monday to Friday –  (click here for clinic times)

Dr. Colm Staunton is now providing joint and other injections for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions.

Joint injections are used in the treatment of muscle and joint inflammatory reactions in areas of the body such as the wrists, ankles, shoulders, hips and knees.

Please contact 09866168 to book a consultation.

Out of hours:  

Outside of opening hours, WESTDOC can be contacted by phoning : 1850 365000

WESTDOC covers from 6pm to 8am Monday to Friday and then from 6pm Friday through until 8am Monday.  

Directions: On arrival from Westport into Louisburgh, take the left at the ‘square’/crossroads and surgery is 150m on the left. There are ample parking facilities with wheelchair parking spaces available.

Emergency Numbers

T:  + 353 (0) 98 66168

Louisburgh Medical Practise

Louisburgh. Cluain Cearbán, Meadow of Buttercups